About Live In-store Product Presentations (LIPP)
LiPP UK ltd, is a sister company to the Irish based Demitstore ltd, which was first register in Dublin on July 16th, 2010. Demitstore ltd has been involved in training teams worldwide in the art of product demonstrating.
Lipp ltd has been set up to further develop sales teams not only both sides of the Irish sea but worldwide.
Specialising in conducting Live In-store Product Presentations (LIPP) as an entertaining and fun retail customer experience, that will not only keep the customers returning but also increase footfall and generate incomparable revenue for the stores.

Our demonstration podiums only take up 4.5sqft (041806368mt) of retail space, we supply everything from staff to an appealing range of innovative, kitchen-based implement’s, Homeware products & Gadgets. There is no cost to the store whatsoever. All purchases are via store payment terminals and an agreed % of sales revenue is retained by our trading partners. Each week the product demonstrations will relocate to other stores within the group to maximise the customer experience.